Wet cooling tower
Wet or open circuit cooling tower is actually the most widely used type of cooling tower, which has many fans in the industry due to its high efficiency and reasonable price. However, due to the great popularity of this cooling tower, defects can be observed in it that sometimes make it not be used, so in general, it can not be said that the wet cooling tower is suitable for all uses. In fact, this type of cooling tower can not be used due to the high need for water in areas where there is a problem of water shortage. If we want to go back in time, we can trace the origins of the use of wet cooling towers to how water was considered in the industry. As you know, industry and production have always been associated with heat and fire, but the excess heat had to be dissipated in some way, which is why in the past most factories and large industries were built along rivers and open waters to meet the need for water. Of course, due to environmental pollution caused by the interaction of water with industrial devices and sometimes water poisoning, this is prevented today. Under environmental supervision, industries are not allowed to release contaminated water into open water. With these interpretations, humans have developed a device that can both reduce water temperature and prevent wastage. Early cooling towers were made of wood, which was replaced by metal cooling towers due to their short life. But these towers also deteriorated rapidly due to the solutes in the water, so they invented the concrete cooling tower. But there were also problems in the production of these towers, most of which were a lot of space that was needed to build it, and that their maintenance was faced with problems, and more importantly, these cooling towers could not be moved. With the advancement of industry and technology, the latest generation of cooling towers made of fiberglass material entered the field of production, which was a great change in this industry. These cooling towers with the least space have the highest efficiency and have advantages such as: long life, reasonable price, easy portability, cost-effective maintenance and low water loss. Wet cooling towers are produced in two branches of counter-flow (Counter Flow Cooling tower) and cross-flow (Cross Flow Cooling Tower). Opposite-flow cooling towers are produced in two grades, circular and cubic. The first generation of circular or conical towers were wet fiberglass cooling towers, which were replaced by Cubic Cooling Towers due to their disadvantages, but it is still recommended to use a Round Cooling Tower at high altitudes. May be. But in other cases, cubic cooling tower will be a more suitable option. Wet cooling tower is known as wet cooling tower due to its direct operation with water and the fact that it creates cooling of the circulating fluid by creating moisture, but it is also called open circuit cooling tower.