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برج خنک کننده

تجهیزات صنعتی و برودتی

Set up a cooling tower راه اندازی برج خنک کننده

Set up a cooling tower

Set up a cooling tower


Commissioning or operation of the cooling tower is the last step in using the cooling tower in the design of the cooling tower system. Operation is the final step in selecting a cooling tower that has high sensitivities. The correct operation of the cooling tower is in fact the result of the correct selection and installation of the cooling towerAfter completing the installation of the cooling tower, it is necessary to set up the cooling tower and put it into service. The operation of the condenser water system of a heating device such as a chiller or boiler consists of several basic and mandatory parts. In the most important part of designing and operating the condenser system is the cooling tower. The placement and installation of condenser cold water cycle accessories has a significant impact on the output. In fact, the correct operation of the cooling tower is a function of the correct installation of the cooling tower and accessories.

The effect of observing safety issues in setting up a cooling tower !!

Observing the safety points and checking the peripheral equipment in connection with the cooling tower is one of the most important principles of using the cooling tower. In fact, before turning on the cooling tower and starting the condenser system, we must make sure that each equipment is working properly. Proper operation of industrial cooling and air conditioning system has many benefits. Failure to follow the principles in the setup operation may cause damage to the main parts of the devices.

Observing the basic points in the initial start and checking the important items can have a great impact on the basic operation of the cooling tower . The commissioning of an industrial or refrigeration equipment is done correctly when the least amount of error is made in it. Reducing the incidence of errors in the commissioning process by an expert should be done in accordance with the principles of operation of the cooling tower.

Basic principles in setting up a cooling tower

  • How to properly install peripherals such as pumps, cold water tanks, hardeners, etc.

  • Proper arrangement and proper placement of equipment in the condenser cycle

  • Use of protective equipment in the control panel to protect fan and pump motors against human errors

  • Use of cold water flow regulating valves in the piping circuit between the cooling tower and industrial devices

  • Use of shock absorbers in the piping circuit and in the main chassis holding the main equipment

  • Temporary start-up of the system (in the form of a starter) and fixing possible problems

  • Check and re-inspect the checklist by the relevant expert

  • Observe safety tips and setup requirements in accordance with the installation manual provided by the manufacturer

  • Final commissioning of the system and long-term operation of the equipment and elimination of possible defects

The main components to be controlled before starting the cooling tower cooling system

  • cooling tower

  • Cold water storage tank

  • Cool water circulator pump

  • Pipes and fittings (side valves of circulating water circuit)

  • Exothermic device (chiller or industrial device)

  • Circulating water treatment equipment (hardeners or micron filters or RO package)

Control items in the correct installation of the pump in the process of setting up the cooling tower

  • Pump installation control includes mounting the pump, connectors, vibrators and plumbing fixtures such as valves, filters, pressure gauges, thermometers, etc.

  • Axis control (pump shaft and its coupling alignment

  • Lubrication or pump shaft arches according to the manufacturer's instructions

  • Lubrication of motor shaft bearings according to the manufacturer's instructions

  • Rotate the shaft by hand to ensure free rotation of the pump motor

  • Control of the correct direction of rotation of the electric pump shaft with blade starter

Controls in the water treatment system in the cooling tower condenser circuit

  • Control of pH sensor catheters or rods and navigability for proper installation

  • Test the performance of the solenoid valve to drain or adjust the flow of water or underwater

  •  Putting water purification equipment in operation

Final control items before setting up the cooling tower

  • Cleaning the tower surfaces, washing and cleaning the upper pan and the lower mattress of the tower

  • Cleaning the smoothness of the lower pan of the tower

  • Lubrication of fan shaft bearings according to the manufacturer's instructions

  • Lubrication of motor shaft bearings according to the manufacturer's instructions

  • Test and adjust the thrust drive (if installed)

  • Adjusting belt tension (s)

  • Control and adjust the alignment of the belts

  • Control of alignment of motor pulley shaft with impeller pulley

  • Control the couplings for tightening the screws, not playing them, etc.

  • Rotate the fan or impeller shaft by hand to ensure that the fan and bearings rotate freely

  •  Control the correct direction of rotation of the fan or impeller shaft with a blade starter

  •  Short-term fan start and control of noise and vibration

  • Drain and rinse the condenser water pipes with water and then chemicals

  • Fill the lower pan and tower and condenser pipes with water according to the manufacturer's instructions to the required amount

  •  Short-term rotation of condenser pump and fan motor according to correct installation principles

  •  Placement of fan motor amp and pump alternator in nominal plate values

  •  Test the correct distribution of water in the nozzles or upper pan, inner plates and lower pan of the cooling tower

  • Vortex flow control of the lower pan of the cooling tower

  • Test the thermostat and heater system for frost protection

  • Condenser water balance of each cell in terms of reciprocating current in multicellular systems

  • Testing the water level controls of the lower pan of the tower, including low and high limit warnings and checking the floating function

  • Control the correct installation of temperature sensors

  • Test the performance of the bypass control valve and adjust its 70-degree rotation

  • Check the correct operation of fan control relays

  • Proper VFD performance test (if installed)

  • Check the function of the vibration switch

What is the importance of setting up a cooling tower in principle?

Perhaps asking this question will help a lot in learning the above as much as possible. In answer to this question, it should be stated that the cooling tower or cooling tower is a fully advanced device consisting of electrical and mechanical components. The main components of the cooling tower should actually have its proper and optimal performance when starting up. If one of the parts does not work properly at the beginning of the commissioning process of this equipment and the refrigeration machine, its complications will soon cause damage to other parts. In fact, by correcting the errors in the installation process of the cooling tower before commissioning, irreparable damage can be prevented. In fact, the start-up operation is the last chance to fix possible errors in production or installation. Common errors such as incorrect adjustment of the cooling tower impeller angles or incorrect threading of the nozzle on the clamp will be easily noticeable at this stage.

Launching a hybrid CCTV cooling tower

The main benefits of setting up a cooling tower correctly

  • Proper operation of the cooling tower with the highest possible efficiency
  • Correct and optimal use of cold water to cool the chiller
  • Optimal operation of industrial devices connected to the cooling tower
  • Increase the life of the internal components of the device
  • No possible damage to other parts due to a defective part
  • Reduce financial losses due to possible mistakes during production
  • Reduction of casualties due to possible dangers of not operating the cooling tower properly

Wet cooling tower برج خنک کننده مرطوب

Wet cooling tower

Wet or open circuit cooling tower is actually the most widely used type of cooling tower, which has many fans in the industry due to its high efficiency and reasonable price. However, due to the great popularity of this cooling tower, defects can be observed in it that sometimes make it not be used, so in general, it can not be said that the wet cooling tower is suitable for all uses. In fact, this type of cooling tower can not be used due to the high need for water in areas where there is a problem of water shortage. If we want to go back in time, we can trace the origins of the use of wet cooling towers to how water was considered in the industry. As you know, industry and production have always been associated with heat and fire, but the excess heat had to be dissipated in some way, which is why in the past most factories and large industries were built along rivers and open waters to meet the need for water. Of course, due to environmental pollution caused by the interaction of water with industrial devices and sometimes water poisoning, this is prevented today. Under environmental supervision, industries are not allowed to release contaminated water into open water. With these interpretations, humans have developed a device that can both reduce water temperature and prevent wastage. Early cooling towers were made of wood, which was replaced by metal cooling towers due to their short life. But these towers also deteriorated rapidly due to the solutes in the water, so they invented the concrete cooling tower. But there were also problems in the production of these towers, most of which were a lot of space that was needed to build it, and that their maintenance was faced with problems, and more importantly, these cooling towers could not be moved. With the advancement of industry and technology, the latest generation of cooling towers made of fiberglass material entered the field of production, which was a great change in this industry. These cooling towers with the least space have the highest efficiency and have advantages such as: long life, reasonable price, easy portability, cost-effective maintenance and low water loss. Wet cooling towers are produced in two branches of counter-flow (Counter Flow Cooling tower) and cross-flow (Cross Flow Cooling Tower). Opposite-flow cooling towers are produced in two grades, circular and cubic. The first generation of circular or conical towers were wet fiberglass cooling towers, which were replaced by Cubic Cooling Towers due to their disadvantages, but it is still recommended to use a Round Cooling Tower at high altitudes. May be. But in other cases, cubic cooling tower will be a more suitable option. Wet cooling tower is known as wet cooling tower due to its direct operation with water and the fact that it creates cooling of the circulating fluid by creating moisture, but it is also called open circuit cooling tower.

cooling tower برج خنک کننده

cooling tower

cooling tower

Cooling tower or in the modification of the cooling tower is a water cooling machine, which is also called "water cooling tower" . A cooling tower is a refrigeration machine that is typically used to reduce water temperature to a certain range. The reduction of water temperature in the cooling tower is naturally dependent on the temperature conditions of the installation environment. This cooling machine ( cooling tower) absorbs the heat of the machines by water and directs it to the outside environment.

It is interesting to know that the heat absorbed by the industrial equipment in the internal mechanism of the cooling tower is transferred to the outside by dry air. In other words, a cooling tower is a type of energy exchanger between climates, which is actually called a heat exchanger (heat exchanger). In fact, this refrigeration source exchanges heat energy by making contact and contact between hot water and ambient air. Heat is exchanged from hot water to cool air, which reduces the water temperature.

Why do we use a cooling tower ??

The question may be, why do we use a cooling tower? In response, it should be stated that the cooling tower is complementary to every device and machine that is used in a specific direction. In fact, it should be said that every industrial machine and any device that is used heats up after a while. Air or water is used to cool all industrial machines such as chillers, boilers, etc. The water that absorbs the heat of an industrial machine is heated and needs a device to reduce its temperature again. In other words, the cooling tower (also known as the cooling tower) is responsible for re-circulating water to cool other devices.

*** Take a closer look at the operation of the cooling tower

The cold water produced in the cooling tower re-absorbs the extra energy of the equipment and frequently transfers it to the air. This process is an iterative cycle that keeps the operating temperature of industrial machinery constant Water cooling tower or cooling tower with continuous production of cold water can take the heat of the chiller, boiler or induction furnace.

Permanent reduction of machine temperature and heat absorption of this equipment is required for system stability. Lack of cold water circulation will increase the temperature of these equipments and their inefficiency. Therefore, the need to use a cooling tower will stabilize the "system" with the highest efficiency. This system may be the air conditioning cycle of a residential, office or commercial building, or the production process of a particular product by an industrial machine.

Method of calculating the power or capacity of the cooling tower

The ability of a cooling tower to dissipate heat energy from a water fluid and transfer it to air is called refrigeration capacity or cooling tower capacity . The higher the cooling capacity of the cooling tower, the more water it will be able to bring to the desired temperature at a given time. The type of cooling fluid, the amount of fluid volume in rotation and the difference between the inlet and outlet temperatures of the fluid in the cooling tower are the main factors determining the capacity. The volumetric rate of circulating water is also called water flow rate. Of course, the ambient temperature factor, hot and cold water temperature are other factors involved in the design conditions. The difference between the inlet and outlet temperatures of the fluid is called the deltati or range.

Determining characteristics of cooling tower capacity

  • Circulating fluid flow rate (nominal fluid flow)

  • Type of coolant and determination of specific heating capacity

  • Fluid inlet and outlet temperature (outlet temperature depending on the design environment)

  • Design impact factor in calculating the nominal capacity and separating it from the actual power

Methods of calculating the cooling capacity of the cooling tower

  •  Thermodynamic equations governing design conditions (q = m * c * delta T)

  • Calculation based on the capacity and type of chiller only in the use of chiller cooling

  • Use of cooling software cooling capacity calculation software

 More information in the cooling tower calculations section

What is the meaning of refrigeration in the cooling tower?

You must have heard many times that the capacity of the tower is equal to 100 tons or the capacity of a specific model of chiller is equal to 200 tons. The word "ton" in the cooling tower and chiller means the same cooling capacity of the device in cooling water. The word body in this engineering term is abbreviated to "refrigeration body" or "cold body". Cooling is one of the heat transfer units and a measure of the power of refrigeration devices. The refrigeration ton thermodynamic unit (RT) is equivalent to units such as KW and BTU / H. Each ton of refrigerant is equal to 3.51 kW and is equivalent to 12,000 BTU per hour.

What is the use of a cooling tower?

1- In order to cool various industrial devices

Most industrial machines, such as furnaces, boilers, and turbines, generate some extra heat in their duty cycle. The function of the industrial cooling tower in the cycle of these machines and equipment is to absorb and dissipate the excess heat generated. Gas turbines in refineries, air compressors in power plants and boilers in industry are among the most important cooling equipment with cooling towers. The task of extracting this thermal energy is the responsibility of the air fluid. The use of other refrigeration machines such as chillers is also common in small and large industries. High costs in energy consumption, difficult maintenance of chillers, has made the industry welcome the cooling tower.

2- To cool the air conditioning chillers of buildings in summer

Most large buildings and towers, offices, banks and shopping malls have central air conditioning (HVAC). Concentration or absorption chillers are used in central cooling systems to cool the indoor air. The heat absorbed from a building area by the chiller increases the temperature of this refrigeration machine. Cooling tower is used in this application under the name of chiller cooling tower with the aim of adjusting the chiller temperature The cooling tower generates cold water and directs it to the condenser, causing the temperature balance of this equipment. It should be noted that only chillers that have a water condenser use a cooling tower in their condenser circuit. Today, most compression chillers and all absorption chillers have a water condenser.

Types of cooling towers

cooling tower

  • Open Circuit Cooling Tower (Wet)

The open cooling tower reduces the water temperature by creating a direct contact exchange surface between air and water. In this cooling tower model, a percentage of water evaporates and enters the inlet air. This causes the surrounding air to become humid or saturated. For this reason, this model is also called the wet cooling tower cooling system The water coming out of the nozzle or sprinkler starts to fall on the packings in contact with the air and the temperature decreases. Wet systems are also called open circuits because the water cycle takes place in an open cycle.

  • Dry closed circuit cooling tower

In this cooling tower model, water is cooled in a completely closed cycle in contact with the dry air of the environment. Hence, this type of refrigeration system is also called dry cooling tower . This type of cooling tower is subject to the noticeable temperature of the installation place (ambient temperature) due to direct contact with the dry air of the environment. Dry or closed cooling tower has heat transfer surfaces such as pipe and fan networks. Water passes through these networks in contact with the air created by the fan or impeller.

  • Hybrid cooling tower (hybrid)

The new generation of evaporative refrigeration equipment, which is a combination of open and closed cooling tower, is called hybrid cooling tower . The main stream of water fluid is passed through the thermal penetration surfaces of the coil by a secondary spray stream. In this contact, heat is transferred by penetration and conduction from the hot water of the coil to the cold water of the spray circuit. The big advantage of this cooling tower model is the reduction of water temperature to close to the humid ambient temperature. At the same time, this refrigeration system does not have any sedimentation and evaporation.

Types of cooling towers based on the type of inlet air flow

  • Opposite flow cooling tower or counter flow

Canterflow cooling tower has air inlet from all sides of the device in the upper part of the pan and the lower part of the packings. The direction of the incoming air flow to the cooling tower is the opposite flow in the opposite direction to the spray water flow from the nozzle. In this model, air enters from the lower louvers and exits from the upper part of the fan oven. The efficiency of this cooling tower model is very suitable for hot and dry environments. They are widely used in cities such as Yazd, Shiraz, Mashhad, Tehran, Arak and Isfahan where the relative humidity is low. Counterflow systems are more efficient than crossover systems. Of course, the use of these systems in humid and humid areas has little efficiency.

  • Cross-flow cooling tower or cross-flow

Cross-flow cooling tower or vertical flow has two main air inlets on both sides. The air entering this section perpendicular to the water flow causes this fluid to cool. Cross-flow cooling tower performs well in humid areas due to fresh air contact throughout the Beijing area. In the northern and southern regions of our beloved country, which due to its proximity to the sea, the humidity of the environment where the cooling tower is installed is high. In such climatic zones, cross-flow or Abara cooling towers are used. Cities such as Ahvaz, Mahshahr, Bushehr, Rasht, Gorgan, etc. are very suitable for using this device. This model was first conceived by the Japanese company Abara. For this reason, such refrigeration systems are also called Abara cooling towers.

Dry cooling tower کولینگ تاور مدار بسته

Dry cooling tower

Dry cooling tower

Dry Cooling Tower Dry Cooling Tower ) is a type of cooling tower with a water circulation system in a closed circuit in which the flowing water in the cycle of this cooling model flows inside a coil (indirect contact surface) and cools in contact with air flow . A dry cooling system is a type of CCTV cooling tower in which the contact between the weather takes place in an indirect circuit.

Is a dry cooling tower suitable for all areas?

In answer to this question, we must say yes, but this equipment is very suitable for desert, dry and cold areas, because this device, unlike the wet cooling tower, will not consume water and also lowering the temperature will increase its efficiency. Areas such as Urmia, Tabriz, Shiraz, Mashhad and other cold and temperate cities of the country are very suitable for this model of cooling system in their equipment. Even in areas such as Yazd, Kerman and Isfahan, which are facing the problem of dehydration and dehydration, dry cooling towers are a good option for cooling industrial cycles.

Dry cooling tower or air condenser ????????

In answer to this key question we must ask both of these words actually have the same meaning. Dry cooling works very much like a heat exchanger ( Heat Exchanger ) between the weather, which is why this device is also called an air condenser ( Air Condenser ). In simpler terms, a dry cooling tower or air-cooled condenser consists of a coil and an aeration system that is used to reduce the temperature of hot water to close to the dry temperature of the environment.

Comparison of dry and wet cooling towers :

  • Dry CCTV towers actually reduce the water consumption of refrigeration systems and are very suitable for places where water supply is difficult. In a wet cooling water in direct contact with the air in the levels of cooling or filling the heat loses and while in Dry coolers flow of water in a closed cycle ( Close Circuit ) in contact with the air flow induction technology Is located and in contact with the induced current, the fan loses heat and the temperature decreases.
  • The performance of a dry or closed cooling tower depends on the dry or tangible ambient temperature ( Dry Bulb Temperature ), while a wet queen tower depends on the humid ambient temperature ( Wet Bulb Temperature ). In hot seasons, such as summer, the cold water outlet temperature of the dry CCTV cooling tower increases and does not have the previous cooling, and this causes some designs to use a combination of CCTV and open circuit cooling tower together, in which case This device is also called a hybrid cooling tower .

The most visited content of Damagostar site: cooling tower calculations

How the dry cooling tower works

In a cooling tower circuit or the so-called cooling tower dry, water flows through a coil ( Coil ) or cross-section of capillary tubes and thin, and the air flow is also in contact with the outer surface of the coil is located and it also absorbs thermal energy from It becomes water.

It is better to use the coil in the design of closed tower cooling inside the dry cooling tower.

The coil in a dry cooler actually acts like the cooling surfaces or packing media in a wet system. Coil is a network of fin tubes ( Fin Tubes ) or without fin, which generally has pipes of metal materials with high heat transfer coefficient such as copper, aluminum and steel. In a dry cooling tower, this network of narrow pipes (coils) is responsible for creating the surface of thermal penetration ( Conductivity ). The coil interface wall in a dry cooling tower closes the cycle and indirect contact of two weather fluids.

Is the presence of a fan in the design of the coil in the dry CCTV cooling tower mandatory ??

The fins used on the outer surface of the coil in the dry cooling tower are generally made of easy-forming aluminum material with the aim of creating a higher heat transfer surface. The special surface of the coil as well as the density of the fin in the coil will increase the refrigeration capacity of the cooling system. Correct calculation of the specific surface area of ​​the tube and fin in the CCTV coil is one of the basic parameters in how the dry cooler works.

Dry cooling tower or air condenser

The main components of a dry cooling tower

CCTV towers generally have three main parts. The body and support structure, condenser coil and aeration system including impeller and electric motor are the main parts of dry cooling tower .

1. Body ( body and Frame ): The body of the structure, the main storage device and includes different sections, including the Louvre ( Louver ) or shutters air intake, fan stack or deck Fan ( Fan Deck ), pan ( Basin ) and panel ( Panel ) Or the wall and chassis holding the coil. In some examples of dry cooling tower (galvanized CCTV tower), a simple chassis is generally used to hold the coil, and equipment such as a pan or fan stack is no longer used. Temperature Company offers the highest quality air coolers and dry cooling towers by offering fiberglass body.

The new generation of dry cooling towers with fiberglass body actually has a very high resistance to sunlight and also a very high resistance to ambient humidity. Also, replacing fiberglass with galvanized will increase the body's resistance to decay and corrosion. Weight loss and easy portability and maintenance are other advantages of fiberglass body of dry cooling towers produced by Damagostar company.

2- Coil : This part is the most important part in the CCTV system in the dry cooler and the purpose of the coil in the CCTV tower cooling is actually to create the penetration level of heat transfer (like cooling tower packing). In order to increase the efficiency of the CCTV cooling tower, the most important part is the selection of components in this section. In fact, the nature of the coil, the number of rows of coils, the density of the fin and the number of pipes per row have a significant effect on the efficiency of the cooling tower.

3. Air Flow System Air flow system plays an important role in heat transfer and heating energy. This part includes fan or impeller , electric motor and power transmission system. Creating induced flow in air and contact of this air with the surface The coil wall is the most important act in heat transfer, so adjusting the aeration rate will have a significant effect on the capacity of the dry cooling tower.The impeller diameter, the number of fan blades and the impeller circumference are the most important factors influencing the aeration rate.

Different parts of aeration system in dry cooling tower:

A) Fan or impeller: This part actually provides relative pressure in the surrounding air and as a result causes air displacement (induction current).

B) Motor: This part provides mechanical energy to provide the required torque of the fan rotation in the cooling tower.

C) Transmission or speed reduction system: This part actually reduces the output speed of the electric motor to the standard size of the fan speed in the cooling tower and is known as the cooling tower speed reduction system .

The best-selling product of Damagester Company: cooling tower

Dry cooling tower

Advantages of dry cooling tower

  • Maintenance and use of this equipment is very cost-effective and low cost (without water consumption)
  • No environmental pollution, including increasing humidity, reducing the amount of water in aquifers (due to the lack of compensatory water)
  • No sedimentation and water pollution problems in the condenser and no need to scale the condenser pipes periodically
  • Ability to control the amount of electricity consumption in the aeration and ventilation sector (reducing electricity costs in cold seasons)
  • Easy to carry and move due to lack of circulation of large volumes of water in the CCTV cycle
  •  Easy maintenance due to no deposits, corrosion and rot
  •  Dual-purpose usability (both cooling and heating)

Disadvantages of dry cooling tower

  • Increase of cold water outlet temperature in hot seasons (due to noticeable increase of ambient temperature)

  • Poor performance in hot seasons in hot and dry areas in water cooling (low efficiency)

  • High initial cost for coil use (economic inefficiency)

  • Lower efficiency than wet cooling tower

  • High sensitivity during installation

  • Requires ancillary equipment such as expansion source, drain source and suction pump for dewatering and draining cold water in closed circuit

Important Note: According to the mentioned cases, it is recommended to use the hybrid cooling tower system in case of compensatory water shortage.

Types of dry cooling towers

Dry Cooling Tower Cooling is divided into different categories in terms of condenser body material and coil pipe material. CCTV cooling is produced and supplied in two general types of metal body and composite body in terms of body material. Dry fiberglass cooling tower is actually produced only in the cubic type and the reason for this is the cubic structure of the coil structure. Dry cooling tower with fiberglass body has more resistance to environmental damage than galvanized cooling.

Be careful in choosing the coil material in the design of the dry cooling tower.

Dry cooling coils are produced and supplied in various materials such as copper, 304 steel, 316 steel, stainless steel, carbon steel, API steel and seamless manganese pipe. According to the fluid conditions, ie the amount of corrosion, solutes in the fluid and other parameters, coils of different materials are also recommended in the design of the CCTV system. For example, for cooling soft water, the best option in all types of dry cooling towers is copper coil with high conductivity, while for cooling acid or acidic fluids, the best option is SS316 steel coil Of course, for high hardness waters (with salt), SS304 is the best option for steel coil material .

The most cost-effective choice of coils in the dry cooling tower

The most suitable coil type in terms of initial price for cooling water is galvanized coil (seamless and seamed). Due to the low thermal penetration coefficient of this metal, coils with this type of metal are generally used in large quantities of galvanized pipes in the design of CCTV cooling towers. Seamless pipe type is used when the pressure of the circulating water flow in the closed cycle is more than 3 times.

 Dry cooling tower price

CCTV cooling towers are much more expensive than open or wet cooling tower types. The price of this closed cooler model depends on several factors such as refrigeration capacity, coil material and body material. Therefore, numerous and innumerable parameters will be effective in determining the price. The highest price of dry or closed cooling tower belongs to SS316 stainless steel coil cooling system. The design of dry cooling tower with copper coil is in the next category in terms of final price, but on the other hand, due to its high thermal penetration coefficient and reasonable price, this equipment is one of the best-selling products of the cooling tower.

Factors affecting the price of cooling towers

Hans coil used in closed loop in CCTV tower

Tube thickness

Pipe diameter and pipe area used (Tube OD)

Fin thickness

The main chassis material of the coil and the material used in the tube sheets

Thickness of body and main structure of fiberglass or sheet steel

The electric motor power of the aeration system as well as the type of impeller used in this section

In fact, the above factors are the basic parameters for determining the price rate in a dry cooling tower. In the coil will have a significant impact on the final price of the dry cooling tower.

Price fluctuations in the raw materials market = instability of the cooling tower price

The price of dry cooling tower will fluctuate constantly due to the constant fluctuations of the copper, steel market, as well as the fibers and resins used in the fiberglass body. The production unit of Damagostar Company is exempted from providing the cooling tower price list for the above-mentioned reasons. It is suggested to contact the company's experts in order to estimate the exact price of such industrial coolers, and after designing and calculating the special surface of the coil and the refrigeration capacity of this device, receive the estimated price in written and oral form.

Install the cooling tower نصب برج خنک کننده

Install the cooling tower

Install the cooling tower


Installation of cooling tower is a set of operations to use the cooling tower, which includes four parts: assembly, cabling, piping and foundation. The cooling tower installation operation usually deals with various parts of engineering facilities. The installation of a cooling tower or cooling tower must be done in several steps and in compliance with the relevant standard principles. Observing the installation principles will lead to the correct use of the cooling tower with the highest level of efficiency. The basic and important principles of installation of any equipment are provided by the manufacturer. Many authorities have developed relevant standards for engineers in different communities regarding installation requirements. ASHRAE-ASME-CTI-DNI standards are one of the most important standards references related to cooling tower installationCompanies specializing in the installation of cooling towers And other refrigeration equipment must operate with the efficiency of fluid engineering, electrical, civil and mechanical knowledge.

Benefits of installing a cooling tower correctly

The effect of a successful installation in the cooling system of industrial equipment or chiller can cause the optimal operation of the system for many years. In fact, observing the standard principles in the use and commissioning of any industrial or refrigeration equipment will lead to better operation of the equipment. Failure to observe the principles of engineering in the starter and using the cooling tower can reduce the useful life, reduce efficiency and increase energy consumption of this device. In many cases, the buyer installs this equipment after the purchase and selection process of the cooling tower, regardless of the basic conditions. In most cases, this will cause irreparable damage to the water cooling system in the near future. In fact, the lack of technical knowledge in the installation can disrupt the overall performance of the system. In this article, we will briefly mention the basic principles of installing a cooling tower .

The most important principles in the operation of installing a cooling tower

  • A) Determining the best location for the cooling tower (cooling tower location)

  • B) Observing the principles related to the arrangement and correct placement of the cooling tower with ancillary equipment

  • C) Installation of necessary control and protection equipment in the control panel of the electric motor, fan and circulator pump

  • D) Proper implementation of plumbing in accordance with ASME and DNI standards

  • E) Installation and accessories in the piping circuit including flanges, collectors, shock absorbers and support of side valve pipes

Determining the location and installation of the cooling tower 

The location of the cooling tower must have two basic conditions. The first condition for the location of this device is to have enough free space around the tower to create a proper air flow. The second condition is to observe the distance between the cooling tower and other obstacles in order to prevent bypassing the outlet air to the inlet. The best place to install any chiller cooling tower is on the roof of the building, which provides two very important conditions for the tower to function properly. The roof of the building is the best option for the operation of the cooling tower due to its height from the engine room and having free space. In industrial use , fiberglass cooling tower is also the best place to install this device on the roof of the shed or the roof of the baby shed. The most important point in determining the location of the cooling tower is that this equipment is located in the open air.

Install fiberglass cooling tower

In addition to the location, observing the distance between the installation location of the cooling tower and other equipment and buildings is also of great importance. Towers should have a sufficient free distance from walls and other surrounding obstacles. Observing the distance of the cooling tower in the vicinity of other obstacles prevents the recirculated air from returning to the inlet air section. If there are several cooling tower devices, the distance and proximity of the devices should be designed to prevent the evacuation air of a tower from entering the adjacent tower. Certainly the roof of a building that does not have any obstacles can not lead to recycling as long as it does not even have an aesthetic protection. The following figure shows the location of the condenser pump and piping. The location and installation of the tower should be such as to prevent the recirculation of the tower air flow.

Standard intervals of cooling tower installation location

Building walls, lattice or column walls, trees, etc. can create obstacles to proper air circulation if the tower is close to them. The provided distances to the installation location of the cooling tower from other obstacles and equipment are usually as suggested. It is sometimes very difficult to ensure that all distances are observed in determining the location of the cooling tower. Therefore, it is recommended that you consider the specified and suggested distances as much as possible in determining the installation location. All the items mentioned in the standard intervals of the cooling tower installation location can be seen in the image below.

Suggested distance from cooling tower to high walls = half wall height

Suggested distance from the cooling tower installation site to the trees or lattice wall = width of the cooling tower

Cooling tower height considering foundation height = height of nearby obstacles such as lattice wall


The cooling tower must be at least 30 feet (9 meters) from the adjacent building walls. The taller the building, the more obstacles there are. Therefore, the retreat of the tower should be increased to at least half the height of the building to prevent the circulation or re-entry of the evacuated air stream. Cooling towers are not very beautiful, so architects use lattice walls (wooden, masonry) around the tower. In addition to separating the cooling tower from the roof environment, the lattice wall prevents water droplets from entering the environment.

Popular content: Louvre or cooling tower inlet

Design of guard structure around the cooling tower installation site

  • The lattice walls must provide at least 50% free space at the entrance to the Louvre cooling tower.

  • The allowable velocity of air passing through the retaining walls or protective wall must be less than 600 feet per minute.

  • The height of the lattice wall or obstacles near the cooling tower should not be higher than the final height of the fan stack or saturated air outlet.

 Execution of the foundation of the cooling tower installation site

The foundation of the location and installation of the cooling tower must be designed in accordance with the standard installation conditions. The most important basic principles in the design of the foundation of the cooling tower installation site are as follows:

Install cooling tower on the foundation

  • The foundation of the installation site must be completely level and horizontal.

  • The foundation of the device can be an all-iron structure or an all-concrete level surface with an iron chassis.

  • The main loads of the structure must be restrained by four plates into the reinforced concrete.

  • The distance between the plates installed in the metal or concrete structure must be designed according to the drawing of the production device.

  • In order to control the vibration of the device, it is recommended to use mechanical shock absorbers (spring or plastic) in different places.

  • If you are constructing a metal structure for the foundation of the location, be sure to use the necessary braces to distribute the weight of the cooling tower.

  • The minimum height of the metal or concrete structure of the foundation where the cooling tower is located should be designed 50 cm above the ground.

Principles of cooling tower piping operations

  • Placement of cold water circulator pump after pan or cold water storage tank with a short distance

  • The position of the circulator pump should always be below the level of the pan outlet flange (this will prevent cavitation or corrosion of the pump fan blades).

How to install a cooling tower pump

  • Install the one-way valve at the suction or suction point of the pump

  • Install the circulating water flow regulating valve after the discharge point or pump blow

  • Use all-flange fittings instead of welded plumbing

  • Application of seismic connections in flange points of piping in order to damp the shocks caused by water circulation by the pump

  • Use of elastomeric insulation or fiberglass insulation suitable to prevent the pipes from freezing in winter

  • Use of maintenance supports to adjust water transmission lines in the condenser cycle

  • Design of circulator pump with suitable head for rotating standard water level

  • Cooling tower outlet piping should be directed downwards to the circulator pump

How to install a cooling tower

  • The size of the piping should be designed according to the outlet flange of the cooling tower pan

  • If two cooling tower devices are installed simultaneously with one pump, both devices must be in the same level.

Standard water inlet to the cooling tower

The water entering the cooling tower or cooling tower must always be of the required quality. In open or wet tower systems where water is constantly evaporating, care must be taken that the injected compensatory water must be hardened. The amount of solutes present in the compensatory water (TDS) should always be considered less than 300 ppm. The higher the amount of compensatory water entering the cooling tower, the less sediment and clogging will be. In fact, the service life of sediment in clean water is much longer than when the incoming water is of lower quality. Increasing the quality of incoming water can be done in many ways. Ion exchange methods, reverse osmosis and micron and sand filtration are the most common compensatory water treatment systems.

Reverse osmosis method uses large and small water purifiers to supply soft water into the cooling tower. Of course, it should be noted that this method is often not common in most industries and air conditioning systems due to high maintenance costs. The main alternative to desalination is the use of resin and magnetic hardeners. Permissible hardness of water in the cooling tower circulation should not be considered more than 350ppm. As you know, the total hardness of TH is the sum of two metal cations, calcium and magnesium. In the ion exchange method by targeting these two heavy metal cations and replacing them with light sodium ions; Water becomes very soft and quality. Of course, the standard amount of water entering the industrial cooling tower varies according to the type of use of the device.